it was an early booking flite.. about 9 months ago.. after i just enter my final year posting.. i still remember i was in ortho posting at that time.. time surely travel so fast.. without realising it.. it already come 2 end of d year..
i depart on the eve of xmas at 5pm.. arriving at 7.30pm at KIA.. luckily, my fren k-rul came n fetch me.. thx k-rul appreciate d ride.. next time i'll treat u dinner..
then i went 2 search 4 xmas cake.. went 2 secret recipe but sold out.. luckily i manage 2 find one at mita cake house.. taste almost d same though..
obviously xmas eve most important service is d midnite mass.. but wif d condition of d old church dat we have.. really can't feel d mood.. ehehhe..
on christmas day.. really had lots of visitors.. don't even had enough sleep on d eve.. our open house was from morning till nite.. wif me able 2 sleep at only 10pm.. luckily..
dasz did come.. twice.. ooppss.. 3 times actually.. n twice got loss.. somewhere until bunuk.. sigh..
d 3rd time he came wif merv.. d second time was 2 fetch me 2 merv house...
so appreciate everyone dat u found.. though how tiny they are.. their fate might be change in d future..
-DoRc eViL-
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